life is such a mystery.
one day itll present you with all its blessings
and the next second take it all away.
i guess that just teaches us to never get too attached to anything
in order to avoid the pain that follows losing it.
people say theyre here for me...that they understand.
but they really dont, and i know that.
im just wishing for something, anything in my life that
i can actually believe in...confide in...without living in fear that itll all fall apart.

i try to be there for people.
be the person thats always there, whenever they just need someone to listen
hoping that one day they would do the same for me.
but right now all i do is listen, and whenever i look for someone to talk to,
they are too absorbed in theyre own lives and troubles.
well, i cant blame them, but still.
its not like they care about someone like me :/
the "innocent" one....
hahah if only they knew.
if only.
but its better this way.
btw, if you think you know what im talking about, you DONT. i promise you that.
cuz i havent told anyone about it..and im not going to anytime soon... because i can
pretty much guarantee that no one will understand -___-

by the wayy... these blogs seem "emo" [as some people might call it] :/ cause theyre just a way for me to vent...dont go thinking im clinically depressed or something like that xP lol
im a pretty happy person, and these obstacles just help me to become a stronger person and
prepare me for the future(:

life is life. its a b*tch most of the time...
but there are always these special moments in life that seem soo unimportant...but
make all the difference....
thats what i live for.



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read it and you'll know(: