Today was sooooo not a good day :/
UGHHH. Casanova's history project is totally not going well for me and my group members.
theres like so much tension goin on between them...and im pretty much stuck in the middle T.T
Woke up like at 9 am today. did some homework...and chatted online, which was pretty fun(:
then i went to church at 5:30. It was all soul's day today.
After that, we ate at my grandma's house. My mom was pretty much like, getting on my case about, well, everything. thats when it started.

Got home. i opened the door with the keys. Went upstairs to go put my stuff down.
Mom calls and scolds me for not turning on the lights downstairs. i was "selfish" -___-.
Then she started talking about everything i have ever done wrong to her and the family.
How im getting worse...evil...blahblahblahh all old news. Well, long story short, im grounded.
no phone, no laptop/internet[bahahah im sneaking on right now] unless for hw purposes, no staying after school, until i "fix myself".
I have a feeling this grounding will last quite a long time. well, time will tell. ughh i am in desperate need of a hug right now :/

soooo if you want to contact me or anything, call my house #. Ask me for it cause this blog is public and some creepy stalker could get access to my phone number if i post it on here and we dont want that ><;




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