For a while now ive been reading other people's blogs and have been wanting to start one myself but i guess never got to...until now(: Personally, i dont know how they do it. The way others take the time to express themselves in specific words is amazing. My blogs are just going to be what i feel explicitly, and theyre not going to be carefully written. My words here are what my heart and mind puke out, no formalities or grammar stuff xP
anyway, people said its a good way to let your thoughts and feelings out...even if no one reads them. And plus, my writing here is actually more for myself than for others :P

Right now, im so confused :/ And ive been very moody so much of the time.
idk maybe its just pms. Ive always thought i understood people on a certain level, but now its like i dont know anyone at all. Suddenly theyre doing or saying things i thought theyd never do.
well, i guess this is just telling me that i should be more careful with who i trust ><;

Hmm. i havent really been involved in this much drama before. Is there something about sophomore year? it just started and things are already so complicated for me and other people inside and outside of school. Im still in the process of getting used to everything, and i think im doing a pretty decent job.

This year so far at oxford has been pretty interesting. Ive gotten to know more people and learn more about others i thought i already knew. Theres always been a wall between me and other people in general. Its difficult for me to open up completely to someone in fear that they will betray me, and i know this because of past experiences. But now, there are a few people that i feel like im on another level with......i just hope they dont do anything to break that connection and leave me heartbroken :/

With a certain situation, i think ive messed it up :/ idk, maybe im overanalyzing things, but i guess im just paranoid that i would lose everything. GAHH what id give to know what people are would avoid so much trouble and misunderstandings. Well, all i can do is hope for the best.

Ive been having fun recently, much more than before. I feel a bit less restricted, and overall happier(: but i guess all good things come at a price :P

im gonna try to post more whenever i have the time or when i feel like it haha :PPP


It's funny cause I feel a lot of the same way you did.
Or at some point I did.
It happens, it's honestly a part of life. You realize things, and you're totally afraid. You just want to go in a corner and hide because your just so surprised at how people can be. But eventually you learn that you'll see it in a lot of people and that others might see it in you.

Just a whole part of life.
I hope that helps.

I suck at this stuff

haha it does x]
everything you said is true.
and its amazing how surprising people can be so..unpredictable.

it is life, and we have no choice but to accept it.


no problem,
you should comment and read my blogs


About this blog

read it and you'll know(: