Its unbelievable how much there is to a human being.
People assume and judge based on physical appearances and specific actions.
Its wrong, but its natural, and sometimes i cant help myself but to give in and do so.
Right now, especially, i witness and experience possible misunderstandings and it is very amusing.

No one knows everything about anyone, not even oneself.
We do things that we have no idea why we did so.
So how is it that people act and think like they know someone
but they know NOTHING?
There is one reason people hide from the world: fear
fear that no one will understand
fear that they will be hurt
fear that their actions will be disastrous.

so now im trying to judge less.
because people do what they do for specific reasons.
not everyone is evil. most are just misunderstood.

oh and for future reference, you dont know me, you know OF me ;D



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