hmm. so overall i think yesterday was pretty fun(:
pe was the usual...nothing really happened.
Spanish. the quiz wasnt too fact in was really easy.
the class was kinda boring yesterday though.
Chem..was just Ughhh.
World history was actually kinda fun :P we played a game
which we totally lost ><; a pretty good class to end the school day with :]
okay, after school, it was kinda a mess xP
like, "where is everyone?" "are they going or not?", and whatever.
then we walked to pho. there were some awkward moments but it was okay(:
uhh then someone had to leave early, and we walked back.
it ended up with like, six of us chilling at the library. then a bunch of people left.
haha tim, daniel, and alex, if u read this, i dont have acne right now :P
lol my skin actually feels softer :]
and dan i WILL sing..soon ><;
haha and its NOT good to gang up on a GIRL especially when the police station is practically right behind us xPP
k well, that was fun, then i had to go. thenn i had to go to the mall for like, ten minutes
[the shortest time ive spent at the mall EVER (x]
then i get home.
ugh i dont even want to talk about it...its so messed up, like, dont even think or pretend you understand me...that kind of messed up :/

anyway, the ppl i was talking to on SOOO sorry i couldnt reply last night :[
something came up and..yeahh :/

welll im still confusedd, tired, and...angry.

ive recently realized just how many fakers i know.
and im glad i found out sooner than later so i now know to be more careful.
dang before i trusted people completely. im not making that same mistake again.



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