hmmm havent posted in about a week, so i decided i would do so now :P
lemme think, a lot happened to me since i last wrote on here,
had my birthday yesterday! school was funn
i love my friends and couldnt thank them enough(:
stayed after school, like usual and just hung out, which was pretty cool
then after that, i went shopping with my mom
and there was this pedophile there -____-;
ughh grosss :/
like, the store was pretty the first time he brushed up against me i just thought, "oh, he just needed to get by"
then he KEPT doing it -___-; and he actually touched me...UGHH like, yeah
so then i thought to myself if he touches me ONE more time
ima do something to him >:O
but then he left, so lucky him :D
anywayy that was gross, and im definitely carrying around pepperspray
from now on(:

haha and theres this whole situation about...and some of u know what im
talking about :P
im just not gonna care or worry about anything, especially what other people think or do.
im just gonna continue what ive been doing
the time will come, maybe sooner or later
so i have no worries right now :]

hmm life's been getting better
kinda, sorta, maybe-ish?
but yeah, im overall happy right now


Ugh. Lecherous man. People like him make the world an unsafe place.


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