bleh. i should be doing homework.
but screw that.

whats happening now?
everythings crumbling down.
secrets revealed.
scandals taking place.
since-forever feelings expressed.
depression and emo-ness all around
im exhausted.
and im gasping for air
even before i reach the water.

whats happening to me?
i used to be so good.
so good at hiding.
so good at keeping it all in, and i was content with that.
hmm im still pretty good with suppression
which is a positive thing for me.

oh well, at least i havent revealed a lot. which is good
what will they think if i do?
hmm i guess ill never find out.

im too afraid

aj;lajfldsajf;ajf ive been having lapses of sadness, insecurity, depression, etc. lately.
then a little bit later i'm back to optimism, faith, and hope. so weird.
but i guess its a good thing for me :D

"Don't live in the past or you just might lose your future."


i know times are tough, and all the drama isn't helping, but remember:

you can ALWAYS come to me if you ever need to talk, or want a hug, or need someone to make you smile.

i promise, you can count on me. <3

who's "they"? damn what THEY think ;]

if we want to be crazy, we shall.
if we want to be happy, we shall.
if we want to be emo, we shall.

and if we want to go mental and sob over chemistry, then damn right we shall >:O


About this blog

read it and you'll know(: