i seriously cant remember when all of this DRAMA started x__x;
wasnt it just last year when we were dreading our boring and uneventful lives?
ahh change. its unbelievable, yet inevitable. i just hope everything goes well though. to be able to go through ALL of this with the minimal amount of people getting hurt.

WHY THE EFF are guys so freaken terrified of talking to girls? i mean..come on. GET OVER YOURSELVES. <--i realized that today after my therapy session :P

to my dear therapist
you are right[AS ALWAYS]. you did make my day more interesting xD lol but i have to admit, it is amusing..you and all that...YEAHH hehehe :] i think i need retail/music/food therapy again<3

to uhh...that one person
you have to change. it's one thing to bring yourself down, but you canNOT take anyone else with you. Thats not the right thing to do, and this has gone too far. i dont even know what to do anymore.

well yeuhhh just to let u guys know, my mom made me drop choir so my schedule is like, all messed up now. so dont be surprised if i show up in a class during your period or something xD haha yeahh it sucks, and im going to miss choir. but its just one semester. Im definitely joining next year ;) and i get to see at the shows how everyone looks like onstage! ive never really gotten to do that because i was always a part of it. so thatll be something to look forward to<3

soooo my new schedule is
1. pe
2. spanish
3. health(cheyuhhh)
4. math
5. chem
6. history
7. english

hahaa dude i just realized my days are more balanced now :D my easy and hard classes are spread out! ehhehe second semester's hopefully gonna be easier now.


"Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have."


we have pe and health together :D

haha really?
but u werent in my business class x]

a chance for balance, let's not put it to waste second semester (;

things get better :]

i have english with you now! :)

hell yes, im always right [:

rahh, i wish you could come friday for more retail therapy.

<3 i shall sit behind you and poke you in the head with a pencil in english.

woops. i got my third and second period mixed up. we only have pe together

pe and spanish yay!
aww i'm gonna miss our fourthperiod antics =[


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