THANK GOD first semester's over. it has been by far the most eventful semester in all my years attending oxford. i am so grateful that once a year we are given a chance to start over anew, and forget about our mistakes and regrets in the past. to be able to fix ourselves, give us hope.

throughout life we are given oppurtunities and challenges. it is our decisions that determine whether our lives will become better or worse. It is up to us, and we cannot blame our mistakes on anything else.

a new semester
a new schedule
a new me.

more challenges
more fun
more memories.

okay, so my 5 1/2 hours of staying after school yesterday were spent in ways i did not expect.
i got to talk to people i dont normally talk to and ive come to realize that it is important not to judge or talk trash about topics you do not even know about. there are two sides to every story. and i actually had a pretty fun time with some freshman lol. ive come to like more people, but ive also gotten to dislike some.

hopefully the worst is over, and i cant wait to prove those who do not believe in me wrong ]:<

"If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."



pshhhhh!!!! whose the pedofile now?!?!?!

still you


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