today made me realize just how
indifferent i am.

nothing special.
not good at anything i do.
in fact, i never even finish anything i start.
not the best at anything.
not the smartest
not the best personality
not the prettiest
not the one that everyone wants to be friends with
not the one that people come to first
not the one who plays whatever instrument really well
not the best singer
not the best writer
not the best dancer
not the coolest

the one who always messes up
the one who never does anything right
the one who is forgetful
the one who doesnt matter
the one who's the backup
the one who's shallow
the one who just doesnt belong.

oh i could go on forever.
i am and will always be just another face in the crowd.

yeah, people will say otherwise in order to lift my spirits
but that is the sole reason.
im not looking for pity
not looking for compliments
i just want to share my thoughts.

i am eternally grateful for all the people in my life<3
i am so lucky...blessed...spoiled if u will.

yes, extremely insecure blog post, right?
well, it is what fills my insanely confused head right now.


how could you even say such a stoopid thing liek that?

oh, come on, theresa! you're so much more than that.

and just because of that. i'm going to rant about YOU in a special blog episode. loles

love, you just spent like 400 words and half an hour saying "i'm not perfect."

well of course not. if you were, trust me i'd hate you ;]

hahaha LOVE<3 oh btw, my sister says nair burns your skin. you didnt get it, did you? o-o

its weird cause this is EXACTLY how ive been err felt like my whole life...not saying that im like "better" or "worse" than you are or anything.

im not gonna waste my time trying to convince you that youre not any of the things that you say you arent or are cause honestly i think before i can convince you, you have to be able to convince yourself

but iono how i keep myself going is the saying that "God gives everyone a special talent in order to glorify him, and maybe you just havent found it yet." a pastor i respected a lot said that to me once i hope it helps you

and well id just like to say that you ARE special to me and i GREATLY value your friendship with me :] and yes i WANT to be friends with you, honestly i think all of the things you said about yourself depend on the person whose talking about you. I know most if not all of those things arent true to me about you :]
hope it helps somehow, im always here to talk and if your wondering
im not pitying you. I'm just a guy in the same boat trying to get you to help me throw a rope to shore so we can BOTH pull ourselves out of the water

thanks guys<3
i had like a lapse of insecurity when i wrote this lol.
im pretty sure its over now ;P
i realize that no ones perfect.. the word "perfection" is sooo overrated.
i can only try to make myself a better person as i live through life and there is no failing so long as i dont stop trying(:


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read it and you'll know(: