i seriously think i am.
other than the fact i slept for about five hours earlier..
maybe nocturnal is a more fitting word.
sooo whatever that is, it's the reason i am writing a blog at 3am.

my mind has been hopping to boundaries unexplored.
i cant even think of one thing to write about because i want to say so much.
yet so little comes out. my head is a whirlwind. maybe thats why ive been getting bad headaches? xP
maybe its just fatigue. idk.

things have died down, thankfully. this wasnt my ideal outcome but whatever, il get over it. i still just need to clear things up, or else my mind wont be at peace.

this willy wonka rally SUCKEDD. our class totally failed because half of the people were out for sports :[ and matic didnt exactly help with the "hyper" mood we usually get at that time because she was being a total pms machine. UGH she used to be so cool.

oh and
OOOHMYGOSHHH im so happy for you guys[you know who you are]! when i heard that, i was like O_O---> :O --->8D


anyway im gonna go try to sleep now(:



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