so tired of EVERYTHING
the drama
ugh. its like, whats happening to everything?
i dont even care anymore.
because with whatever we put much thought into
it turns out we simply wasted our time. SO MUCH OF IT
so now, that is my new resolution: to not worry.

high school dramatizes everything.
even the smallest details can become huge scandals, especially in oxford.
ONE word a person says can determine their reputation for the rest of their high school career.
its pure evil.

i now officially want to become a psychologist and learn more about
the simply complicated minds of people. a very interesting subject.
the career allows you to 1)make bank[; and 2)apply the lessons you learn at work to life and the people around you.
so its like hitting two birds with one stone.

i seriously hate how my mind works. one moment im convinced on something, and the next im totally against it. the pattern continues. its so frustratingg):
i guess its true that the filtering and thought processes for girls are more developed than that of guys. learned that today from a very interesting conversation with a very interesting substitute teacher :D

i think im on a music craze right now. dont know what i would do without it. its the only way i can truly feel like myself. guuhh im so bad with words, but somehow theres always a song that explains exactly how i feel<3

OH and to that 1 person [i think you know who you are]look at #15 on my playlist.
you should understand the newfound value of this song :P



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