wow seriously?
im getting so sick and tired of people being so depressed. i get all worried, and when i find out what the actual problem is, most times its not even that bad. im not one to judge, but still.
i mean, im not mad at anyone specifically or anything, but as a whole, its starting to get to me. i dont know, i guess i just want them to see things in a different light because what they are saying at times does not even make sense. yes, we ALL have problems, and the purpose of blogs are so that we can vent, but sometimes it gets a bit too much...when ALL the time its just depressing words. i mean, who would want to read something like that EVERY time? YES i want to know how everyone feels, but no offense, its just getting old.

im actually really happy right now. because i have a chance to prove myself and i KNOW im not going to let myself mess up like before.

bahahah i loved today's therapy session<3unspeakables, stalkers, and whatnot[first time ive used that word...?] lol. youre such a loser. btw, im still very very confuzzledd and undecided.


i miss youu a lot :( just had to say that lol. even though no one really knows<3

OH SHOOT i forgot to call you today :O DANGIT lol i just remembered right now
w/e il do it tomorrow xD

isnt it so weird that i finished all my homework at 5?! i got home like at 4:40
hehehhee then i slept.


waaah. it's not me, is it?

sorry... T W T


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