screw tumblr :]

i'm glad we saw a certain animal's true colors
and that you're moving on<3
remember, "No man is worth your tears, and the ONE who is, won't make you cry."


who cares what other people think. i want to talk to you. i want you to know you can relate to me, because when i went through those things, no one was one knew. and it was hard. impossibly hard in every way imaginable...i don't want you to experience the same pain, because no one deserves that.
there IS good inside everyone. it just takes a little look closer to see it in some cases.


i don't even know where to start with this. i don't know what to do. every time i look at you, so vulnerable yet incredibly strong, it makes all the things in my life seem so insignificant. i'm yearning to say something.
to hug you tightly and never let go.
to tell you i'm sorry for everything, and that i love you.
i want to say thank you,
for being there when even my own mother was not. for raising me.
[you are the one person who is closest to me, who put up with me, and helped me the most.]
for being the most wonderful person.
but i can't.
please don't go.
i promise to listen from now on.
i promise to spend more time with you.
i promise to be extra respectful.
i promise to always finish my food.
i promise to wash the dishes the first time you tell me to.
i promise to sing for you whenever you want me to sing karaoke.
i promise to always pray.
i promise to do everything you've asked me to.
just please don't go. not yet.


you're my first for a lot of things. you always make me smile, no matter how bad my day might have been. i feel happier just by you being by my side. and i feel so lucky to have you in my life <3


half of this is pretty happy, but the other half is kinda sad.

want to talk about both? :\

and welcome back. (:

first, thank you, i luv u <3

second, i really hope this was before we talked yesterday.

you're the best, ate. (:


About this blog

read it and you'll know(: