what mr. hogan said will definitely stick to me forever:
"the secret to life is being able to experience two completely conflicting emotions at once."
he went on to tell us about how his parents were so close to divorce when he was just a bit older than we are, but decided to stick it out because they know better times will come, and that they looked at marriage as a whole and not to halt it because of one unfortunate time. I love how he related all of this to the music we were studying. His words truly touched me in a way i never thought possible.

i guess i could relate to that. but if my parents didnt divorce i'd still be in philippines right now, and life as i know it probably would not exist at all. I guess everything does happen for a reason, even if they do seem awful at the time.

"sometimes the dreams that come true are the ones you never knew you had"


People talk of things. but how does one know who, or what to believe? They say i can trust them, but can i really? i don't know.
the past has taught me that assumptions lead to negative consequences.
so i will not make assumptions whatsoever.

sighh, love is in the air for a lot of people(no, not me lol)
i truly hope everything works out, and history doesnt repeat itself.
but it's high school. everyone overdramatizes everything. but we can only hope for the best :]

"things somehow always work out"
"shh. don't jynx it!"


dearie, you NEVER know.

and yes, i want things to work out very well. did they get the dirtydirty on? loles. XD

i'm glad you're here and not the phillipines. then i wouldn't have my very fatty best friend. :D


you know i love you.

ahahhaha yes. you NEVER know xD
and no they didnt :[ it was a no show

and i <3 you too.


OH i love that!
"sometimes the dreams that come true are the ones you never knew you had"

Ahh I'm so touched lately! <3

:] i love quotes that make me go OMGG<3333!!!! hahaha


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