you can drive at 16
go to clubs at 18
drink at 21
retire at 65
but whoever set the age to fall in love?

who says you have to be a certain age to do certain things?
with age comes wisdom: that's a total lie.
growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.
but how do we know when it's time to grow up,
and when it's time to enjoy our youth?

things or people that may make you happier right now
might just ruin you later on.
do we live in the moment? or do we continue with our lives
always wondering what couldve been?
on the other hand, should we regard the future more than the present?
is it really more important?

just some things that popped into my mind today cus of recent events.

time will tell. it always does.

the day before yesterday my dad called me from the philippines.
we had this conversation and he ended up making me promise
to attend oxford until i finish high school.
sooo im coming back to oxfordd :D
i just hate the summer homework that i have to do now.

played guitar hero world tour for the FIRST time. it was soo much fun!
i seriously want to get it now.
i suck at guitar though. drums are my thing ;]

internet priviledges are FINALLY backk. im improving my RHETORICAL skills. omg
homework is getting to me :O so yeahh, i dont have to sneak anymore.

im listening to a broader range of music now.
im more into alternative bands now rather than just mainstream solo artists(:
hopefully certain PEOPLE wont criticize my choice in music. ahahha

oh and im soo excited for a certain someone (:
i think im destined to be there to CAPTURE the moments.
hehehhe and post those moments on facebook?
lol just kiddinggg. but yeah, im so glad something finally happened.
man, i miss my friends sooo much >:[

im getting used to life as it is.
its restrictions
the people
the obstacles
the sacrifices, etc.

theres just no use in complaining anymore. it gets no one nowhere.
ill just wait for something good or exciting to happen.
it has to come eventuallyy. ill be happier staying positive, especially
if theres nothing i can do about it.

"Love life and life will love you back."

hopefully that's true.


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